Page 6 - Visual Paradigm Enterprise Architecture Preliminary Phase
P. 6
RACI Chart
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Once these units are identified, identify
the key tasks throughout the
development of architecture. R R R
Group CIO
And state the responsibilities of the units
with respect to the tasks. Usually we
describe all these by mean of a RACI chart.
Legal Advisor
There are four main responsibilities: Chief Architect
Responsible - Denoted by the letter ‘R’, responsible
means the person who will complete the task. And is
responsible for the actions and implementation. R
Accountable - Denoted by ‘A’, accountable means the
person hold the power to authorize actions or
implementation. Evidently answerable for the correct A
and detailed completion of the deliverable task. Architects
Consulted - Advice and opinion can be obtain from this
person. Usually, subject matter experts take the role. C RA
Informed - Person who will be kept up to date mainly Maintenance Office
upon completion of the task or deliverable.
Informed - Person who will be kept up to date mainly AI
upon completion of the task or deliverable.