Page 15 - Visual Paradigm Enterprise Architecture Phase E
P. 15
Specify a Package
Description Functional Requirements
Describe what will be performed under this work Specific functionality that define what the work package
package and the expected outcome. You may also is supposed to accomplish.
explain the reason of initiating the work package, the
pre-requisites, and relationship to opportunity,
architecture definitions and architecture requirements.
Business Value Dependencies with Other Work Packages
Describe the value the work package will deliver upon its The completion of a work package may rely on the prior
successful completion. Here are some kinds of business completion (or partial completion) of other work
values you can think about: economic value/profit, packages. State the dependencies between work
employee value, customer value, supplier value, partner packages in a way that allows audiences to understand
value, managerial value, marketing value, societal value, the priority and sequencing of implementation efforts.
Objective Approach Outcome and Deliverables
State the target to achieve in concrete manner (e.g. Both tangible and non-tangible outcome upon the
Setup of back-up server). Describe the direction or the success completion of work package.
way chosen to reach the target (e.g. Change the existing,
obsolete data server to a back-up server).