Page 27 - Visual Paradigm Enterprise Architecture Phase A
P. 27

Model Capabilities with ArchiMate Diagram

                                                                Business Management

                                          Fiscal & Accounting        Risk & Compliance                     Performance
              Strategic Management
                                            Management                 Management                         Management

               Project Management            Martketing              Sales & Distrubtion                   Customer Care

                                                                    Distribution Channel                           Customer Relation
                Product Definition        Market Development                                    Customer Service
                                                                       Management                                    Management
                                                                                                Service Channel      Customer Data
               Product Engineering       Campaign Management          Sales Execution
                                                                                                 Management          Management

                        Assest Management                        Money Management                           Customer Care

               Investment Strategy  Investment                                                    Contract Lifecycle
                  Management   Performance Management   Banking Management  Accounts Management     Management       Claim Settlement

               Investment Portfolio  Assest Inventory      Cash Flow        Money Market        Contract Administration  Claim Administration
                  Management       Maintenance            Management         Management

                                                                  Business Support

                 Organizational                                            Office Management
                 Development         HR Management     Process Management                      Facility Management  IT Management

       This is the capability map viewpoint of ArchiMate. It allows business architect to create a structured overview of the capabilities of the
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