Using Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server

Written Date: September 2, 2010
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Teamwork Server provides a repository for you to store project files of your team. Team members can checkout project(s) from server, start working and commit/update changes to/from server.

In this page, we will demonstrate a basic workflow of team collaboration with Teamwork Server. The server administrator and two members, John and Mary, will take part in the project.

Server side - Set-up

  1. Download the zip file of Teamwork Server.
  2. Extract the zip file to somewhere in your machine.
  3. Execute VPTeamworkServer\scripts\startup.bat
  4. Open the web browser and visit
  5. Enter a new password and specify the name of your organization. Click Confirm.
  6. In the License Key section, supply the path of teamwork evaluation/purchased license key.
    specify key
  7. Click Install.
  8. In the Users section, click Add User.
    add user
  9. Fill in the Add User page. Name this user as john. John will be creating a project in the server. Check Create Project in the Permissions section. Click Update User.
    add user form
  10. Add another user mary. Do not check any permission. In the Users section you can see the two users listed.
    users sec

Client side - Project creation

  1. John, another person, starts VP-UML in his desktop.
  2. Click on Team in the toolbar, and select Open Teamwork Client...
    open tw client
  3. Enter the connection information. Login as john. Click OK.
  4. When the Manage Project dialog box appears, click OK to continue.
  5. In the Teamwork Client dialog box, select Project > Import Project to Repository from the menu.
    import project
  6. In the Import Project dialog box, enter Sample Project to be the project name.
    enter name
  7. At the bottom of the dialog box, select mary from the list of available user and click Add as Read and Update.
    add read write
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click Open Project at the bottom right of Teamwork Client dialog box.
    open project

Client side - Checkout, commit and update

  1. Mary, another team member, starts VP-UML in another machine.
  2. Click on Team in the toolbar, and select Open Teamwork Client... from the drop down menu.
  3. Enter the connection information. Login as mary.
  4. In the Manage Project dialog box, select the project and click >.
    manage project
  5. At the bottom right corner of Manage Project dialog box, click Open Project.
    open project
  6. Draw a simple class diagram.
  7. Click on Team in the toolbar, and select Commit... from the drop down menu.
  8. Click OK in the Commit dialog box.
  9. Now, go back to John's machine. Click on Team in the toolbar, and select Update from the drop down menu.
  10. In the Update dialog box, click OK.
  11. Open the class diagram. John can read the work done and committed by Mary.
    diagram opened

Comments (2)

written by Vinny on December 16, 2011

Glad I've finally found sotmehing I agree with!

written by Turkish ref on February 20, 2024

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Турецкие фильмы предлагают разнообразие жанров и тематик, чтобы удовлетворить интересы каждого зрителя. От романтики до исторических драм, от триллеров до ужасов - есть жанры на любой вкус. Обилие сюжетов и уровень съемок делают турецкие фильмы настоящими шедеврами мирового кинематографа.>Турецкие фильмы смотреть бесплатно на русском языке - это уникальная возможность погрузиться в турецкую культуру, узнать больше о традициях и обычаях турецкого народа.

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