Upgrade Teamwork Client

Written Date: October 23, 2009
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This guide is used to help existing Visual Paradigm Teamwork Server users to upgrade their Teamwork Client from old version to latest version.

After the latest version of Teamwork Server is installed, you need to upgrade your VP client as well.

(Note: The version of Visual Paradigm client and Teamwork Server must be compatible, e.g. Teamwork Server 4.1 works with products included in VP Suite 4.1.).

In this guide we will use Visual Paradigm for UML (VP-UML) as example:

Uninstall Existing Visual Paradigm Client

  1. Execute the uninstaller of VP Suite from the Start menu.
    uninstall vpsuite
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish the un-installation.
    uninstall vpsuite screen

Install New Version Visual Paradigm Client

  1. Execute the installer of the latest version of client
  2. Finish the installation.

Upgrade Project from Server

  1. Start the client with existing workspace.
    existing workspace
  2. Select Tools > Teamwork > Update.
  3. When the Update dialog box appear, click OK to confirm updating.

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