Common Problems on Running VP on Linux

Written Date: September 8, 2009
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Sometimes, with the Desktop Effects turned on, Linux users may encounter a problem of blank application screen in Visual Paradigm tool. Installing, running Visual Paradigm tool and modeling in tool are hindered by this issue. This article introduces solutions to help Linux users to get rid of the problem.

With Desktop Effects (e.g. 3D Desktop) turned on in Linux, when you install or startup the Visual Paradigm products, you may see a blank application screen like this:

blank vp app screen

Actually, this is a general problem to most of the Swing application. This is caused by the fact that AWT toolkit does not support the Beryl or Compiz window managers.

In order to solve this problem, you can either:

  • Disable the Desktop Effects
  • Set the AWT_TOOLKIT environment variable to MToolkit, which leads Java's AWT library to use Motif for window management. The code to execute is as below:
    export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

To start any installed Visual Paradigm products on console, run the product launcher(s) located inside the %VP-Installation-Directory%/launcher folder.

You may get the UnsatisfiedLinkError (or similar error) as below when launching the Visual Paradigm products with the executing statement above:

unsatisfied link error

This code be fixed by installing the libXp library:

NOTE: On Ubuntu, you cannot use "sudo yum install libXp", please execute "sudo apt-get install libxp6" instead.

install libxp library

By running through the steps above, the Visual Paradigm products can be started up properly.

start vp propertly

We hope this article will help to solve the problem. Should you have any questions in further, feel free to contact our Technical Support Team through the following page:

Comments (15)

written by L on September 14, 2009

It's also possible to remove bundled jvm and use default system jvm.

written by Angus Chan on September 14, 2009

Yes, you can
1. Rename $vpsuiteDir/jre
2. ln -s $yourJREPath $vpsuiteDir/jre

written by Misael on September 23, 2009

Will be another another Look and Feel supported for Linux users than the current Metal L&F on VP

written by Angus Chan on September 23, 2009

We will try to support another look and feel in coming release. Thank you for your comment.

written by Myles on October 17, 2009

Thanks for pointing out how to get around the java problems - works great on the default jre.... could be good to change the installer.

written by Angus Chan on October 17, 2009

Thanks to Myles encouraging comment. There are still some little rendering problem in the new look and feel. Our engineer are keeping to fine tune. Please keep run update frequently to get little fix. You are right, we are considering to upgrade bundled JRE to 1.6. All depends on the testing result. Anyway, Thank you for all of you choosing Visual Paradigm products.

written by mazhel on October 26, 2009

installing libxp6 will not solve visual paradigm for uml 7 problem on ubuntu jaunty. when i activate desktop effect, visual paradigm start with blank.

written by Angus Chan on October 27, 2009

Please try the new look and feel with following step:

written by sf on December 8, 2009

this may help someone...
i downloaded JRE 1.7, moved it to /usr/lib/jvm/jre1.7.0 and made all files in bin executable.
i uncommented and changed the INSTALL4J_JAVA_HOME_OVERRIDE line in /opt/VP_Suite/launcher/

i'm using ubuntu 9.10 and vp suite 4.1 sp1

now it works smooth and with compiz; nimbus lookandfeel can be enabled as well.
is it possible to enable GTK look and feel somehow?

written by Angus Chan on December 8, 2009

Let's try to support more Look and Feel later on. Thank you for the comment

written by Erwin on September 1, 2010

Why you not support all L&F of the JRE? I really like the GTK+ L&F because the fonts are the same as the other applications on my desktop (especially the font size).

Furthermore, why you need a special JRE, the system JRE works just find and it's faster. With VPUML 4.2 the drawing of diagram was really slow with your JRE but with the system JRE it was very fast. It's about 100Mbytes of not needed place.

written by kdorman on September 8, 2012

If you are using Xmonad and getting a grey screen, add this to your config file :
-- In import section
import XMonad.Hooks.SetWMName
-- In config
, startupHook = setWMName "LG3D"

written by finalfrog on October 23, 2015


Thanks for the tip! I'd giving up on ever getting VP working in xmonad, but that did the trick.

written by Yannis on December 6, 2015

If you are using a special Window manager this might help you too:

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