Commit All Local Modifications and Backup Workspace

Written Date: October 23, 2009
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Before you proceed to upgrade the Teamwork Server or the Clients, it is important to make sure that all changes are committed to the server, for all projects. This guide will go through the commit process in brief, and guide you how to backup your workspace.

Commit Local Modifications to Teamwork Server

  1. Open the Teamwork Client by selecting Tools > Teamwork > Open Teamwork Client from the main menu.
    open teamwork client
  2. The projects that you are managing are listed at the left hand side of the Teamwork Client dialog box. What you need is to commit all modifications made on the projects checked out. Select the first one. Click Open Project at the bottom right of the dialog box.
    open prj
  3. Select Tools > Teamwork > Commit in the main menu to commit changes.
  4. If the Commit Project dialog box appear, this indicates that there are uncommitted changes. Click OK to proceed with committing. (You may leave a comment if necessary)
    proceed commit
  5. Repeat steps 2 to 6 on other projects. Make sure all the local modifications are committed.

Backup Workspace Folder

Once all the local modifications are committed, it's time to backup your workspace. Backing up of workspace is important so that you can restore the environment in case the upgrade process goes wrong. Administrator may also use your workspace to perform migration testing if he/she want to.

  1. If you don't know where the workspace is, select File > Switch Workspace... from the main menu. The path that appear in the Workspace field is the workspace folder.
  2. Exit the client application such as VP-UML. This is to make sure all settings are saved to workspace properly, and no session-related data is stored there.
  3. Zip the whole workspace folder.
    workspace zipped
  4. Send it a administrator for keeping it.

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