Changing Linux Look and Feel to Nimbus

Written Date: October 02, 2009
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  1. Nimbus Look and Feel is supported in JDK 1.6 updates 10 or later.
    VP-UML supports to change Look and Feel to Nimbus now.
    To change to Nimbus Look and Feel, VP-UML should be run in JDK 1.6 updates 10 or later. However, the bundled JRE in VPSuite is 1.5 only. So, you need to prepare the 1.6 JRE.
    You may download from Internet:
    download jre
  2. After downloaded the JRE, extract it to get the new JRE folder "jre1.6.0_16"
    extract downloaded jre
  3. To replace the new JRE into VPSuite. Copy the new JRE folder into VPSuite. Then, rename the original JRE folder to be "jre_original", and the new JRE folder to be "jre".
    replace jre
  4. Start VP-UML, it still is Meta Look and Feel.
    meta look and feel
  5. To change to Nimbus Look and Feel, select Tools > Options to open Options dialog. And then select General > Appearance. Select Nimbus Look and Feel. And click OK.
    change look and feel
  6. VP-UML is changed to Nimbus Look and Feel.
    nimbus look and feel

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