Visual Paradigm Checkout Page

• Payment Cycle - Change: Close

1 month
  1. US$90
    1 Month
  2. US$270
    3 Months
  3. US$540
    6 Months
  4. US$990
    Save $90 $82.5/mo
    12 Months

• License Information

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• Payment Types

By Stripe

Stripe is an authorized retailer of goods and services provided by Visual Paradigm.

Accept payment methods by Stripe

By PayPal

PayPal is an authorized payment gateway provider acting on behalf to process your credit card transactions.

Accept cards by PayPal
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• Offline Payment - Show - Close

For offline payment please download the invoice and process from there.

By Wire Transfer

Download invoice. Instruct your bank to transfer funds.
Email the invoice and wire transfer receipt to [email protected]

* The remitter is responsible for the remittance charge.

Refunds will only be given at the discretion of the Company Management subject to terms and conditions on case by case basis. Please kindly contact us at [email protected] should you have such request.

Shopping Cart

  1. Publication Server Basic Subscription 1 month US$90.00 per month
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Recurring Subscription

I authorize Visual Paradigm to charge the credit card indicated in
this order every 1 month to automatically extend the
subscription period of the selected product(s).



How to cancel recurring subscription?



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