Learn TOGAF visually, navigate the ADM and develop deliverables for each development phase.

TOGAF ADM Process Navigator

Maximize your Enterprise Architecture success with TOGAF ADM Guide-Through, our cutting-edge TOGAF solution. Our innovative TOGAF tool takes the hassle out of navigating and developing deliverables, enabling you to use standard TOGAF® ADM diagrams with ease to grow your architecture. Say bye to endless documentation and references, and start to enjoy a streamlined process to architecting and sustaining your enterprise.

TOGAF ADM Process Navigator

Actionable Guided Process

Our comprehensive TOGAF toolkit provides you with a step-by-step approach to developing all the deliverables required in the TOGAF Architecture Development Methodology (ADM). With easy-to-follow instructions, cutting-edge modeling tools, real-life examples, expert guides, and techniques, our TOGAF software ensures you can deliver outstanding results every time.

Actionable Guided Process

Form Filling and Inline Instruction

Empower your enterprise architecture development with Visual Paradigm - the ultimate TOGAF tool for executing recommended steps or customizing the content to fit your needs. Our software provides deep insights into the development process, making it easier to create deliverables with its intuitive instructions, modeling tools, and samples. Whether you prefer to follow the recommended steps or insert your own text and diagrams, Visual Paradigm gives you the freedom to bring your vision to life.

Form Filling and Inline Instruction

Deliverable Composer

From process activities deep into the development steps of the deliverable, Visual Paradigm lets you take the recommended steps to execute the development of the deliverables. Or, architects are free to customize any part of the content, inserting text or diagrams at any time.

Auto Deliverable Composer

Auto Versioning And Deliverable Generation

Your hard work and progress are securely stored and tracked, with version control for seamless collaboration with your team. As you complete each activity, simply generate your deliverables with ease, taking one step closer to the successful completion of your project.

Auto Versioning And Deliverable Generation
Shape Legend

Shape Legend

Quickly create the right type of shape by using the shape legend. Creating a shape from a shape legend is just a matter of dragging and dropping. It also ensures that you are working correctly, as it only shows the types of elements available under the selected view of the chart.

Color Legend

Now that you use shape legends as a form of annotation to illustrate the diagram shapes being used, you can also use a set of predefined shapes to create diagrams for a specific viewpoint. This way, you can focus on the shapes that are important to that particular view without being distracted by the large collection of shapes in the visual modeling language.

Color Legend
Reuse Elements with Model Extractor

Reuse Elements with Model Extractor

Save unnecessary rework time while increasing the efficiency of your schedule by reusing the same elements in different architectural models. As part of the shape legend, the Model Extractor will analyze your project and list existing elements that can be reused in the current design. Select, confirm, and you're done! No more duplication of work.

Architecture And Documentation Repository

Visual Paradigm allows you to configure the standard TOGAF architecture repository structure or any other kind of file taxonomy to intuitively place files in file cabinets by configuring, sorting, and dragging and dropping files according to your organizational needs.

Architecture Repository

"PMBOK" is a trademark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. which is registered in the United States and other nations.

"TOGAF" is a trademark of The Open Group, which is registered in the United States and other countries.

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