Newsletter February 2014
Dear users,

Use cases provide an overview of things that end users want to achieve through a system. By identifying and elaborating use cases, project goals can be clearly established and well implemented. Use case is such a powerful tool in requirement elicitation but, did you ever have problem in finding out the use cases? Where do the use cases come from? Who can give you the answer?

There are many possible ways in use case identification. One of which is to start by understanding the business process of the end users. In this newsletter we will give you some ideas.

Visual Paradigm
genernate use cases from bpmn
Generate use cases from BPMN Business Process Diagram (BPD)
You can draw business process diagram (BPD) to represent the existing business workflow. In the diagram, select the tasks/sub-processes that shall be computerized and then generate use cases from them. We prepared a short video to show you the idea. You may also read the tutorial From Business Process to Use Cases for detailed steps.
to use case
To use case, or to use case diagram
Depending on your process model and your actual need, you can select tasks/sub-processes in generating use cases, or to generate use cases from an entire business process diagram.
navigability maintained
Navigability maintained
Use cases generated from business process are linked with the tasks/sub-processes they originated from. You can easily trace from use case the rationale and story behind the use case, or to trace from business process the use cases created in supporting the business workflow.

Use case generation from BPD is available in Visual Paradigm for UML Enterprise Edition and Agilian Standard.