Release Date: October 1, 2007
A bookmark is a named link to diagram or shapes in the opening project. With the bookmark support, you can use bookmarks to keep track of diagrams and shapes and to return there whenever you want to.
You can now select shapes from within the range of any of the four sides of the mouse cursor position. Take editing Sequence Diagram as an example, you can right-click at certain position, and select all the shapes below. As a result, you can move the sequence messages downwards easily without worrying messing up the design.
Telelogic Rhapsody is a UML-based software design tool. Now, you can easily import your work done in Telelogic Rhapsody into Visual Paradigm.
Visual Paradigm supports batch processing of tasks by executing commands. With this feature, you can conduct multiple tasks at one time or conduct tasks such as generating report, images and source code repeatedly throughout the day without user intervention.
With Visual Paradigm's data modeling and database engineering supports, you can model stored procedures and database triggers, reverse and generate stored procedure and triggers from/to database.
In this release, documentation templates can be rearranged and removed, which makes the templates easier to use by prioritizing them and deleting those unused ones.
Revision is an important concept in team development. A revision can be seen as a snapshot of the repository at a particular moment in time. Each time a successful commit has been made, this creates a revision in the Teamwork Server. The more commits you have made, the more revisions the repository will store. In this version, Visual Paradigm supports exporting the revisions from server. You can export particular revisions, or even all revisions, and open them at client side.
Revision is an important concept in team development. A revision can be seen as a snapshot of the repository at a particular moment in time. Each time a successful commit has been made, this creates a revision in the Subversion Repository. The more commits you have made, the more revisions the repository will store. In this version, Visual Paradigm supports exporting the revisions from server. You can export particular revisions, or even all revisions, and open them at client side.
Revision is an important concept in team development. A revision can be seen as a snapshot of the repository at a particular moment in time. Each time a successful commit has been made, this creates a revision in the CVS Repository. The more commits you have made, the more revisions the repository will store. In this version, Visual Paradigm supports exporting the revisions from server. You can export particular revisions, or even all revisions, and open them at client side.
Visual Paradigm products are highly customizable. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of configurable options in the application options dialog box. Therefore, in this release we have introduced the search function in the application options dialog box. This lets the user locate options very easily by using search options.
Sequence diagrams are a very effective communication tool with very little effort needed to learn to draw or understand them. In this release the usability of SD has been greatly improved. We'll go through the enhancements one by one.
"Jump To" is enhanced to support jumping to diagram. By locating and opening diagram with "Jump To", you can quickly locate a diagram by its name, which saves you time from searching through the Diagram Navigator.
Visual Paradigm's User Interface Designer is extremely easy to use, with screen mock up tools that only need drag and drop actions to create components.
Now, the User Interface Designer is enhanced to support Tree and Table mock up, which enables you to construct the Tree and Table parts of your Graphical User Interface.